The start-up with a social vocation that supports causes and projects proposed by the community thanks to the responsible purchases of its users.
The start-up with a social vocation that supports causes and projects proposed by the community thanks to the responsible purchases of its users.
geografic area
Sicilia - Siracusa
Via maestranza, 35 Siracusa
cause name Purchase of useful materials for clean-up events
€uro raised
€uro required
promoter of the cause
Rifiutiamoci - Siracusa
progress status
Suistainable development goals
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cause details
Rifiutiamoci is an association that has been active in Syracuse since the summer 2019. It was born from the idea of two 20-year-olds from Syracuse who decided to tackle the problem of waste released into the environment.
Today we are an Under 30 team and we deal with the organization of clean-up events and their promotion through social media.
The aim is to sensitize the citizenship, especially the young people, to the respect of the environment, of the places rich in history and beauty and of the biodiversity through concrete gestures. Even if we continue to grow in terms of adhesions, our voluntary activity needs support.
How can you help us?
If you purchase a product or a service, a percentage of the fee supports our fundraising.
If you want, you can also make a simple donation.
With a simple action, you will make possible the purchase of useful items for our clean-up events, such as gloves, bags, rakes, nets to sift the sand or tongs to collect dangerous waste.
These tools would allow us to collect waste safely and be more efficient for the environment. We thank you in advance in case you chose and supported our cause,
The Rifiutiamoci Team.
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* Rifiutiamoci
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